Techniques //
The chiropractors at Dubbo Spine Centre utilise a variety of different techniques and modalities to help treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. How you are treated depends on your current health, the diagnosis of your condition, the techniques best suited to treat that condition, and of course your preference. If you do have questions about the techniques used please ask.
What are these techniques //
What are the different techniques?
There are a number of different techniques used including Thompson/Drop Piece, Diversified, Blocking, Mobilisations, rehabilitation exercises, ART/muscular releases/massage, Activator, and SOT. Each of these has its own merits, and are often used in conjunction with one another in order to achieve the best outcome for you, the patient. Most of the techniques require a hands on approach, and with a gentle but firm approach, you will find yourself feeling better in no time.
We use predominantly manual therapy and techniques (hands on) to treat all of your back and neck pain concerns. Some techniques are very gentle, whilst some are firmer. Ask us how this can help you!
Rehabilitation //